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TDWI Best Practices Report | Modernizing Data and Information Integration for Business Innovation


Data and higher-level information integration are the foundation for reaching data-driven objectives. Getting complete, quality views of data about subjects of interest is essential to nearly every business decision or action.

Organizations want to increase user satisfaction, support flexibility and innovation, and enable people to collaborate effectively to achieve business objectives such as operational efficiency, richer customer engagement, growth, resilience, and risk mitigation. This report examines business and technology trends and drivers; we analyze research data about challenges in using current solutions and explore where organizations need to modernize.

Relevant solutions discussed include data virtualization, data catalogs, knowledge graphs, master data management, data fabrics, and data silo consolidation into unified cloud data management. Rather than competing, solutions often complement each other within a larger data strategy to enhance agility so that organizations can handle both routine and unanticipated, ad hoc workloads.

This TDWI Best Practices Report focuses on strategies for solving data and information integration challenges.

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