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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

white paper

Kubernetes for MLOps: Scaling Enterprise Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI

July 13, 2020

In this book we explore the role that the container orchestration system Kubernetes plays in supporting MLOps.

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Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse Basics for Dummies

July 10, 2020

In this e-book, you will learn how a hybrid cloud data warehouse enables a 360-degree view of the customer by enabling analysis across all business data assets regardless of their location, whether cloud or on-premises.

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GDPR Is Just the Beginning: How to Stay Ahead of the Regulatory Curve with Your Data Governance and Ethics Program

July 9, 2020

Learn five workflows common to all data governance programs, how trends complicate existing workflows, and how tools can help overcome complications.

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The Layers of Trust

July 9, 2020

Security and privacy are colliding in the cloud and creating challenges organizations have never seen.

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Turbocharge Your Data Lake: Deliver Real-Time Insights at Scale

July 2, 2020

Are you struggling with getting insights quickly from your data lake?

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TDWI Checklist Report | Six Strategies for Data-Centric Decision Making

June 11, 2020

This checklist report focuses on six strategic issues that organizations need to address to set the stage for better data-driven decision making.

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10 Enterprise Analytics Trends to Watch in 2020

June 11, 2020

MicroStrategy has compiled insights on the top enterprise analytics trends to watch from leading BI, analytics, and digital transformation influencers.

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