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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

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3 Ways to Increase Your Data Lake ROI

May 2, 2022

Every enterprise needs real-time, actionable insights based on a single, trusted view of their data.

Building a Modern Data Stack: What Playbooks Don’t Tell You

May 2, 2022

Download this report for the answers to five crucial questions about how data and analytics are evolving today.

How to Budget for Your Data Warehouse Modernization Project

April 30, 2022

Budgeting for a data transformation project is an enormous task that many leaders struggle to complete.

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2022 Predictions

April 30, 2022

This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for cloud for 2022 and beyond.

Modernizing Legacy ETL Platforms

April 30, 2022

Download this white paper to learn how you can migrate to a modern ETL platform and modernize your workflow for higher performance.

ETL or ELT? Choose the Right Process for the Right Outcome

April 30, 2022

Which model should you use, and when?

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5 Reasons Qlik and Snowflake Are Better Together: Automating the Data Warehouse for Faster Time-to-Insight

April 5, 2022

Now more than ever, data is moving to the cloud, where data warehousing has been modernized and reinvented.

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