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Hadoop for the Enterprise: An Overview in 25 Tweets

By Philip Russom, Research Director for Data Management, TDWI

To help you better understand Hadoop’s evolution into mainstream enterprise usage—and why you should care—I’d like to share with you the series of 25 tweets I recently issued on the topic. I think you’ll find the tweets interesting, because they provide an overview of enterprise Hadoop and its best practices in a form that’s compact, yet amazingly comprehensive.

Every tweet I wrote was a short sound bite or stat bite drawn from my recent TDWI report Hadoop for the Enterprise. Many of the tweets focus on a statistic cited in the report, while other tweets are definitions stated in the report.

I left in the arcane acronyms, abbreviations, and incomplete sentences typical of tweets, because I think that all of you already know them or can figure them out. Even so, I deleted a few tiny URLs, hashtags, and repetitive phrases. I issued the tweets in groups, on related topics; so I’ve added some headings to this blog to show that organization. Otherwise, these are raw tweets.

Introduction to Hadoop for the Enterprise
1. #Hadoop is expanding into more industries, use cases & enterprise breadth. More in #TDWI Webinar Apr. 14 Noon ET
2. #Hadoop for the Enterprise tech drivers: scalability, low cost, & many data types.
3. #Hadoop for the Enterprise biz drivers: #analytics, data exploration, value from #BigData.

Hadoop Adoption is Up
4. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop adoption accelerating. Production clusters up 60% in 2 yrs.
5. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Half of respondents have #Hadoop clusters in development, coming online in 12 months.
6. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: 60% of users surveyed will have #Hadoop in production by 2016.

Benefits and Barriers
7. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: 89% surveyed say #Hadoop is opportunity for biz/tech #innovation.
8. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop’s benefits: improve #analytics, #EDW, scalability, exotic data.
9. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop’s barriers: weak skills, biz case, security, open source tools.

Organizational Issues with Enterprise Hadoop
10. As #Hadoop goes enterprise scope, ownership, staffing, dev methods & economics shift.
11. #Hadoop clusters are becoming central, shared IT infrastructure in mainstream firms.
12. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Common #Hadoop job titles are: #DataScientist, architect, analyst, developer.
13. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Firms train employees in #Hadoop cuz they can’t find or afford folks to hire.

The Many Use Cases for Enterprise Hadoop
14. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Leading future #Hadoop uses: ent data hubs, archives, misc BI/DW.
15. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Half of respondents will add #DataQuality & #MDM for #Hadoop data.
16. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Established #Hadoop practice extends a #DataWarehouse (46%).
17. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Data lakes (36%) & enterprise data hubs (28%) are new practices for #Hadoop.
18. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: Archiving on #Hadoop is upcoming for new (36%) & old (19%) data.
19. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop for content mgt (17%) & operational ent apps (11%) are new.

Hadoop’s Roles in Enterprise Data Strategies and Architectures
20. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: 66% feel #Hadoop is important to their enterprise data strategy.
21. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop is becoming key to multi-platform #DataWarehouse environments (DWEs).
22. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: a third of #Hadoop clusters are off premises, on cloud, SaaS, managed provider. Surprising!

Hadoop Development Details
23. #Hadoop cluster size scales down to dept use (8 nodes) or up to enterprise (1000 nodes).
24. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: #Hadoop clusters per enterprise = 10 on average, with median at 4.
25. #TDWI SURVEY SEZ: 58% of #Hadoop dev done w/mix of hand-coding & hi-level tools. 23% coded only.

Want to learn more about Hadoop for the Enterprise?

For a more detailed discussion—in a traditional publication!—get the TDWI Best Practices Report Hadoop for the Enterprise, which is available in a PDF via a free download

You can also register for and replay my TDWI Webinar, where I present the findings of Hadoop for the Enterprise.

Posted by Philip Russom, Ph.D. on April 27, 2015


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