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The Status of Hadoop Implementations

By Philip Russom, TDWI Research Director

[NOTE -- My new TDWI report “Integrating Hadoop into Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehousing (DW)” (Hadoop4BIDW) is finished and will be published in early April. I will broadcast the report’s Webinar on April 9, 2013. In the meantime, I’ll leak a few of the report’s findings in this blog series. Search Twitter for #Hadoop, #TDWI and #Hadoop4BIDW to find other leaks. Enjoy!]

The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and other Hadoop products show great promise for enabling and extending applications in BI, DW, DI, and analytics. But are user organizations actively adopting HDFS?

To quantify this situation, this report’s survey asked: When do you expect to have HDFS in production? (See Figure 1.) The question asks about HDFS, because in most situations (excluding some uses of MapReduce) an HDFS cluster must first be in placed before other Hadoop products and hand-coded solutions are deployed atop it. Survey results reveal important facts about the status of HDFS implementations. A slight majority of survey respondents are BI/DW professionals, so the survey results represent the broad IT community, but with a BI/DW bias.

  • HDFS is used by a small minority of organizations today. Only 10% of survey respondents report having reached production deployment.
  • A whopping 73% of respondents expect to have HDFS in production. 10% are already in production, with another 63% upcoming. Only 27% of respondents say they will never put HDFS in production.
  • HDFS usage will go from scarce to ensconced in three years. If survey respondents’ plans pan out, HDFS and other Hadoop products and technologies will be quite common in the near future, thereby having a large impact on BI, DW, DI, and analytics – plus IT and data management in general, and how businesses leverage these.

Figure 1. Based on 263 respondents: When do you expect to have HDFS in production?

10% = HDFS is already in production
28% = Within 12 months
13% = Within 24 months
10% = Within 36 months
12% = In 3+ years
27% = Never

Hadoop: Problem or Opportunity for BI/DW?

Hadoop is still rather new, and it’s often deployed to enable other practices that are likewise new, such as big data management and advanced analytics. Hence, rationalizing an investment in Hadoop can be problematic. To test perceptions of whether Hadoop is worth the effort and risk, this report’s survey asked: Is Hadoop a problem or an opportunity? (See Figure 3.)

  • The vast majority (88%) consider Hadoop an opportunity. The perception is that Hadoop products enable new applications types, such as the sessionization of Web site visitors (based on Web logs), monitoring and surveillance (based machine and sensor data), and sentiment analysis (based on unstructured data and social media data).
  • A small minority (12%) consider Hadoop a problem. Fully embracing multiple Hadoop products requires a fair amount of training in hand-coding, analytic, and big data skills that most BI/DW and analytics teams lack at the moment. But (at a mere 12%) few users surveyed consider Hadoop a problem.

Figure 3. Based on 263 respondents: Is Hadoop a problem or an opportunity?

88% = Opportunity – because it enables new application types
12% = Problem – because Hadoop and our skills for it are immature

Want more? Register for my Hadoop4BIDW Webinar, coming up April 9, 2013 at noon ET:

Posted by Philip Russom, Ph.D. on March 8, 2013


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