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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Putting the Data Revolution in Perspective

Advances in analytics and data management have practical effects on the world around us. These improvements are driving innovation in fast-changing industries such as healthcare and agriculture.

Q&A: Emerging Tech Trends Pave Path to Integration-Platform-as-a-Service

With the continuing push for more speed and for cloud offerings, integration platform-as-a-service is gaining traction in new ways.

Four Strategies to Drive Real Business Value through Data Governance

Learn how to leverage your company's data to drive new revenues, reimagine business processes, improve the customer experience, and comply with new and growing regulatory requirements.

Data Digest: Analytics for Marketing, Big Data Science Tools, Data Quality for Analytics

Learn how to use analytics to improve your marketing, select the best big data science tools, and improve data quality for more accurate analytics.

Data Digest: Data Quality Challenges, Open Source Pros and Cons, Cloud Computing Definitions

Learn how to approach common data quality problems, what pros and cons you face selecting open source analytics solutions, and definitions of 20 common cloud computing terms.

Data Digest: Use Cognitive Computing with Big Data, Maintain Your Data Quality, Secure Your Big Data

Learn about trends in cognitive computing that help enterprises manage big data, why you may be struggling with data quality and what to do about it, and 5 best practices in big data security.

Data Digest: Fighting Terror with Big Data; Data Quality over Quantity, Increasing Big Data Value, Hiring the Perfect Data Scientist

Improve your data quality, get the most out of your big data projects, and hire a great data scientist with the tips in today’s articles.

Is Data Quality Stuck in the Dark Ages?

IT decision-makers weren't confident in the quality of their data 20 years ago, and they still aren't hopeful in 2016. Far from it, according to a new survey.

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