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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Contributor: Steve Swoyer

Stephen Swoyer is a technology writer with more than 16 years of experience. His writing has focused on business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics for almost a decade. He’s particularly intrigued by the thorny people and process problems most BI and DW vendors almost never want to acknowledge, let alone talk about.


All articles by Steve Swoyer

Business Objects Swings for the Fences

It’s been a busy fortnight for Business Objects, which previewed its next-gen BI suite and touted its new sales and marketing alliance with IBM.

DataFlux Revamps Data Quality Suite

DataFlux 8 features new project acceleration and geocoding enhancements, along with bread-and-butter data profiling improvements

Kalido Revamps Data Warehousing Platform

Kalido is that rarest of extant creatures: a best-of-breed DW vendor. With a wrinkle or two, of course.

Business Intelligence and Performance Management Slowly, but Surely, Converge

While a growing number of organizations have gotten hip to the promise of PM, many are still in the PM iron age

The SQL Server 2005 Learning Curve Revisited

For some organizations, surprisingly, SQL Server 2005 has been a more or less turnkey migration experience—especially on the BI front.

Win, Place, and Show: Oracle Spreads Its Application Hosting Bets

Last week, Oracle took the wraps off a new managed CRM service for Siebel. But doesn’t Oracle already market a Siebel CRM On Demand service? Yep...

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