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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Contributor: Steve Swoyer

Stephen Swoyer is a technology writer with more than 16 years of experience. His writing has focused on business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics for almost a decade. He’s particularly intrigued by the thorny people and process problems most BI and DW vendors almost never want to acknowledge, let alone talk about.


All articles by Steve Swoyer

Teradata Unleashed?

An independent Teradata will be a nimble competitor, Teradata officials argue -- nimble enough to give appliance competitors a run for the limelight.

An Operational Spin on Performance Management

Whether it’s Oracle and Hyperion or the future of BI and PM, Information Builders chief Gerry Cohen doesn’t mince words.

Competitors Comment on Oracle’s Hyperion Gambit

Holy Paradox, Batman: why prominent BI and PM players say Oracle’s move is actually a good thing.

Appliances, Appliances Everywhere!

Data warehousing appliances again took center stage last week as IBM and Business Objects both made appliance-related announcements.

Oracle Comes Clean Sort of

Oracle last week helped put to rest a few of the many questions raised by its $3.3 billion bid for Hyperion.

Third-Parties Augment Mid Market Customer Relationship Management with Analytics

Visual Mining and Tableau Software are established data viz specialists; both cite a hunger for analytics in the growing SMB CRM space.

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