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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Prediction Flaws, Public Cloud Security, Machine Learning with Text

Learn how to apply the lessons of the election to your predictions, what the major security threats in the public cloud are, and how to combine machine learning with unstructured data.

Data Digest: Cloud Computing Models, Data Quality Teams, Big Data Value

Choose the right cloud model, staff a great data quality team, and ensure that your big data project will create positive ROI.

Teradata: Here, There, and Everywhere

For companies trying to balance the convenience of the cloud against on-premises performance advantages, Teradata Everywhere should be compelling.

Data Digest: Managing Big Data, AI in the Cloud, Cloud’s Environmental Effects

These articles explain Vs for managing big data, why AI projects are thriving in the cloud, and the environmental pros and cons of cloud computing.

Why Databases Are Moving to the Cloud

A greater comfort with cloud deployment is emerging. Businesses that are migrating databases to the cloud or building databases there are usually doing so as a result of one of the factors outlined in this article.

Data Digest: Agile Data Architecture, Open Source Benefits for Start-Ups, Solutions for BYOD Security

Today’s articles explain the trend toward NoSQL and Hadoop adoption, how start-ups are using open source software, and how cloud solutions help enterprises that let employees use their own devices.

Preparing for the Elastic Age of BI and Analytics

New TDWI research uncovers three of the most significant drivers behind current and planned use of cloud computing for BI and analytics.

Data Digest: Football Using Analytics, Cloud Data Integration, Cloud Security Tips

Learn why the NFL is embracing data analytics, best practices for data integration and databases in the cloud, and how to prevent cloud security breaches.

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