Hadoop will not replace relational databases or traditional data warehouse platforms, but its superior price/performance ratio can help organizations lower costs while maintaining their existing applications and reporting infrastructure. How should your enterprise get started?
How is NoSQL different from other databases? What about scalability and reliability of databases and how quick can they come online? We take a close look at several important aspects of today's database technology.
- By James E. Powell
- 8.13.2013
Patient queries have dropped from minutes to seconds as top-rated Seattle Children's Hospital -- with 350,000 patients annually -- turns to big data and analytics. Wendy Soethe, manager of enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence at the top-rated hospital, explains.
- By Linda L. Briggs
- 8.13.2013
Update features new content, built-in hierarchy support, and streamlined upgrades.
Now challenges to BI success abound -- while older challenges stubbornly endure.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 8.13.2013
The dynamics of professional servanthood put the IT department in a position of increased effectiveness.
How deploying a multiplier effect model can help spread analytics throughout your organization.
- By Fern Halper, Ph.D.
- 8.6.2013