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InetSoft Launches Style Scope Agile Edition for Free Dashboarding and Visual Analytics

Style Scope Agile Edition lets small teams share dashboards and analyses

GoodData Adds New Features to Access, Analyze, and Share Data from Anywhere

New platform features make it easier to add, manage, and explore data sources

How Operational and Informational Data Management Have Converged

Three examples demonstrate how insights obtained through incremental and real-time analytics can enhance strategic decisions and operational processes.

Securing Big Data (Part 2 of 2)

The race for dominance in big data security is on. Big data vendors understand that end users would like to get back control similar to what they had in large data warehouses to meet their customers' expectations.

10 Traits of Modern Data-Driven Applications

It takes far more than data to have a credible data-driven application that's compelling to a wide range of business users.

Q&A: New Book Maps Out Strategies for Leaders Facing an Evolving IT (Part 2 of 2)

Jill Dyché discusses topics from her newest book. As boundaries between business and IT change, how successful executives are driving transformation within their companies.

Preparing Data for Analytics: Making it Easier and Faster

Advances in data preparation and integration will have a major impact on BI, visual analytics, and data discovery. Here are three points to consider as you evaluate and deploy these recent software entries.

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