Is your organization using AI techniques that involve your data warehouse? If you want to add AI to your analytics, you'll need to distinguish authentic AI from marketing jargon.
- By Mike Schiff
- May 22, 2017
This short introduction to taxonomies and text analysis is perfect for the analytics newbie or manager who wants an easy-to-understand overview of the technology and its benefits.
- By James E. Powell
- May 19, 2017
Many of the products and services Google showcased at I/O 2017 seemed consumer-oriented, but their potential for transforming business is clear, such as TensorFlowLite, a new, mobile-optimized version of Google's hugely popular machine-learning framework.
New malware risks thousands of IoT cameras, an argument for open source data management, and distinguishing between machine learning, deep learning, and AI.
- By Lindsay Stares
- May 18, 2017
Amazon announced Spectrum, a service that supports SQL query against its Redshift MPP database and S3 storage service. However, Spectrum seems similar to another Amazon service, Athena.
What jobs are being replaced by automation, how much e-sports professionals can make, and how IT jobs are portrayed in TV and film.
- By Lindsay Stares
- May 17, 2017
The ethical questions around profiling customers with big data, new business models enabled by cloud computing, and an infographic on data science career trends.
- By Lindsay Stares
- May 16, 2017
Simplifying tasks is a key benefit of automation, and in the world of predictive analytics, these three areas are getting the most automated help.
- By Fern Halper
- May 15, 2017