TDWI Articles

AI Techniques You Need to Know

Big data capture and management fuels AI possibilities.

Data Digest: Data-Driven HR, Engaging Patients, New Job Training

How data and advanced algorithms can find high-potential employees, keep patients involved in healthcare, and inspire new job training models.

The Secret Behind the New AI Spring: Transfer Learning

Transfer learning has democratized artificial intelligence. A real-world example shows how.

Data Digest: Citizen Data Science, Building a Data Science Team

How citizen data scientists are doing, how to create a strong data science team, and how to hire data scientists.

Data Stories: Graduate School Debt, Career Paths, Major Versus Career

As another school year is about to start, look at how students’ majors affect their debt and their career paths in these visualizations.

Data Digest: GPU for AI, AI Security Problems

How the GPU became vital to AI and machine learning, and how these technologies might cause as many security problems as they solve.

Data Digest: Predictive Analytics in Insurance and Healthcare, Embedded Analytics on the Rise

Workers’ compensation firms and healthcare providers are among the industries quickly embracing predictive analytics. Also learn about upcoming trends in embedded analytics.

Data Stories: Looking at Land Use, Population, Solar Potential

With these visualizations, explore land usage, population, and solar energy across the U.S.

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