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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Machine Learning and AI in Science, Finance, and Hiring

Pitfalls in using machine learning for scientific study, applications for AI in investment, carefully using AI in hiring.

Data Digest: Data Science Limits, Tools, and Data Sources

How to stay realistic with data science, today’s leading data science tools, and how Twitter data is applied to research.

Data Digest: Applying ML and Predictive Analytics to Heating, Disease, and Healthcare

A case study for smart heating, forecasting the flu, and improving healthcare with analytics.

Data Digest: Machine Learning Degrees, Data Scientist as a Job, New Recruiting Trends

These articles provide perspectives on how skills and training might soon be viewed by employers in machine learning, data science, and other AI-enabled fields.

Data Digest: AI Hiring, Skills, and Pitfalls

How to hire AI skills, how fast those skills lose value, and new models to help solve AI blind spots.

Data Digest: AI Bias, Data Ethics, and GDPR Compliance

What causes bias in data and technology, how enterprises can avoid ethics violations, and how big tech companies are being challenged on privacy regulations.

Data Digest: Trends in Data Privacy, Data Science Hiring, and Second Jobs

Why data privacy is important in 2019, how the data science job market is going, and popular side jobs.

AI for BI: Better or Faster Decisions?

AI was big news in 2018, but we overlooked the two distinct aspects of AI -- how it can augment human decision making or automate decision making. Here's why the distinction is important.

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