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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Discoveries in Computing Architecture, Neural Networks, and Meteor Detection

A new molecule to power ultra-fast computing, methods for improving neural networks, and using machine learning to detect and study meteors.

Using Machine Learning for Automatic Database Tuning

Can ML help database administrators improve the performance of the systems they oversee? We asked Andy Pavlo about his research at Carnegie Mellon University and the future of automated tools.

Data Digest: Machine Learning Fundamentals, Bias Detection, Data Quality Improvement

The basics that everyone interested in machine learning should know, how ML may be used to detect bias, and advice for improving data quality.

Data Digest: AI/ML for Image Recognition, IoT, and Conversation

Using machine learning and AI for real-world applications such as real-time image recognition, leveraging data from the Internet of Things, and responding to customer conversations.

Data Digest: Researchers Using Machine Learning

New machine learning applications in medical treatment development, satellite image analysis, and tracking online extremism.

Data Stories: Tech Investments, AI Tasks, CEO Photos

These data visualizations show which industries big tech companies invest in, what office workers think about AI, and what an AI thinks about corporate headshots.

Data Digest: Ethical, Useful, and Amusing Applications of Machine Learning

Ethics guidelines for AI, using machine learning to improve computer chip design, and training machine learning to identify package thieves.

How to Judge a Training Data Set

AI practitioners need to be aware of best practices in training data preparation, as well as the myriad ways in which to avoid or reduce bias in your data set.

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